
Hello,我是Pepper - 沛博科技Perobot



The world's first social humanoid robot able to recognize faces and human emotions. Pepper is optimized for human interaction through conversation and his ...

Pepper (robot)

Pepper is a semi-humanoid robot manufactured by Aldebaran Robotics (formerly Softbank Robotics Europe), designed with the ability to read emotions.

Pepper Programs

SoftBank Group Corp. implemented programs using the humanoid robot Pepper, to contribute to society and for educational purposes in Japan, China, the U.S., and ...

阿神營銷經理及智能+方案系列機智智能+ 拍拳機器人Softbank Pepper

Pepper 是一款專為人類設計的機器人。旨在與他們建立聯繫、協助他們並與他們分享知識- 同時在此過程中幫助您的業務。 Pepper 友好而引人入勝,創造了獨特的體驗並形成了 ...

Meet Pepper: The Robot Built for People

評分 5.0 (15) Pepper is a robot designed for people. Built to connect with them, assist them, and share knowledge with them – while helping your business in the process.


Pepper is a 121cm tall humanoid robot who was born on June 5th 2014. As Pepper is designed for human interaction with vocal conversation as well as through his ...

软银Pepper 机器人

身高约1米2的Pepper 拥有先进的语音识别技术、灵活可控的关节以及强大的情绪感知能力,使其能够轻松与人交流产生共鸣。由于其出色的情感识别能力,Pepper被赞誉为“有爱的 ...


Pepper,是一個會表達情緒的類人型機器人。由鴻海精密所製造。它是在一個發布會上被介紹,第二天開始在日本的軟銀手機賣場被展示。它計劃於2015年2月將在 ...


Pepper藉由連接到雲端資料庫,大量資料可以立即被傳遞,使得Pepper可提供與超越人類能力範圍的解決方案,並將企業用戶的店面實體體驗提升至另一種層次。,Theworld'sfirstsocialhumanoidrobotabletorecognizefacesandhumanemotions.Pepperisoptimizedforhumaninteractionthroughconversationandhis ...,Pepperisasemi-humanoidrobotmanufacturedbyAldebaranRobotics(formerlySoftbankRoboticsEurope),designedwiththeabilitytor...